martes, 22 de julio de 2008
Young entrepreneurs...
We'd like to share some of our experiences with this new joint project on entrepreneurship together with the CEO.
Students got highly involved in the activities, dicussions and role-plays turned almost real!
For further details, visit:
sábado, 21 de junio de 2008
Hot Shot Business – Aprender a Emprender
Hot Shot Business – Aprender a Emprender” de Inglés / CEO.
Publico Objetivo:
Alumnos pertenecientes a 4to año del nivel Avanzado Superior de Inglés de todas las orientaciones.
Áreas Intervinientes:
o Departamento de Inglés.
o Centro de Emprendedores ORT - CEO.
o Desarrollar cultura emprendedora.
o Incorporar nuevo vocabulario de inglés relacionado con Negocios.
o Utilizar el idioma como herramienta para incorporar contenidos de Entrepreneurship.
o Alentar el trabajo en equipo y la resolución colaborativas de situaciones problemáticas.
o Potenciar la ejercitación en lecto/audio comprensión a partir de una experiencia interactiva multimedia.
o Pensamiento creativo. Brainstorming.
o Proceso de toma de decisiones.
o Lectura y análisis de información.
o Comprensión de textos a partir de una experiencia interactiva. Listening and Reading.
Duración del proyecto:
3 Semanas, durante el primer semestre del año.
El proyecto consiste en incorporar la educación en entrepreneurship, a la vez que se potencia la formación en idioma inglés a partir de una experiencia innovadora en términos pedagógicos. En el contexto áulico de clases de inglés, se trabajarán temáticas relacionadas con el entrepreneurship utilizando material de clase provisto por la Kauffman Foundation y la Disney Corporation ( Luego, a través de un juego de simulación, los alumnos se pondrán en el rol de emprendedores y tomarán conciencia de las capacidades, nivel de confianza y habilidades que requieren para convertirse en un entrepreneur.
El proyecto consiste en 3 etapas:
1. Trabajo en temáticas relacionadas al entrepreneurship, e introducción al uso del simulador online durante las clases de inglés.
2. Trabajo de simulación, tanto en el contexto áulico como en sus hogares, dónde atravesarán la experiencia de emprender propiamente dicha, guiados por los docentes de inglés. En esta instancia, se publicarán los avances periódicamente en un blog perteneciente al Campus Virtual y en otros medios institucionales.
3. Charla con un emprendedor real, en el contexto de los paneles “Cara a cara con emprendedores” organizado por el CEO, con la posibilidad de realizarlo en conjunto con la fundación Endeavor.
Docentes a cargo del proyecto:
o Patricia Alegre.
o Jimena Castellión.
Coordinación del proyecto:
o Patricia Brezca.
o Diego Urfeig.
Estructura tentativa:
o 2 Clases Teóricas.
o 2 Clases de Simulación.
o 1 Clase de puesta en común.
o Cierre – Charla con emprendedor.
domingo, 11 de mayo de 2008
lunes, 5 de mayo de 2008
Aprendiendo con una wiki en Inglés
Estas son algunas imágenes de la clase del viernes pasado, en las que Jimena Castellión –profesora de Inglés y creadora de esta wiki- estuvo trabajando con sus alumnos de 4º Electrónica y Producción Musical.
Seguir leyendo en el blog del Campus Virtual ORT...
viernes, 25 de abril de 2008
New project
"A wiki is a collection of web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content, using a simplified language. Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites. For example, the collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia is one of the best known wikis.To learn more about wikis click here. "
Since it is on-line, you will be able to access this site from home or just anywhere via Internet. This is the Internet site for the project:
Introduction to Technology is aimed at advanced or high advanced students since, this time, English is considered just a tool to approach some technology-related concepts and situations.
The formats presented are very innovative and varied: podcasts, youtube videos, discussion forums and more but through very user-friendly activities, therefore requiring minimum knowledge on these applications.
Reading and Listening comprehension are the star skills developed throughout the lesson plans, as well as speaking, whenever a face-to-face debate is suggested. An enhanced comprehension of technology-related vocabulary will definitevely result from the activities.
I hope you browse and probably make use of some or all the pages on these site. For comments or suggestions, please contact me at
Bye for now, Jimena
viernes, 28 de marzo de 2008
New blogs for 4º year
Blockbuster 2
Blockbuster 3
Hope you like it!
Patricia Trost
miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2008
New blogs!
We´ll be expecting your visit, leave us a voice message or comment on the blog or just make profit out of its content.
Class support "4° Gestión" Advanced Level
Class support "4° Química Informática" Advanced Level
Class support "4° Electrónica Producción Musical" High Advanced Level
Hope you enjoy them, Jimena Castellión
miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2008
Listen to the story
The British romantic drama Atonement is leading the pack of British hopefuls for this year's Oscars. The film is up for seven gongs including best picture. However, the stars of the movie Keira Knightley from Pirates of the Caribbean and James McEvoy from The Last King of Scotland, haven't been nominated for their acting.
The thirteen-year old Irish actress Saoirse Ronan has eclipsed her Atonement co-stars by picking up a nomination for the best supporting actress.
A British-born Irish actor, Daniel Day-Lewis, has been shortlisted as best actor for his role in the film There Will Blood. In the best actress category the British star Julie Christie is a nominee for playing an Alzheimer's sufferer in Away From Her.
Overall, the American movie No Country For Old Men has topped the list of Oscar nominations with a total of eight.
The Australian actress Cate Blanchett could pick up both the best actress and best supporting actress awards for her parts as Queen Elizabeth the First of England and in the bio-pic of the rock legend Bob Dylan called I'm Not There. Cate, who's a woman, has drawn praise for her portrayal of Dylan, who is, of course, a man.
But the announcement of this year's Oscar nominations has been tainted with sadness at the news that the actor Heath Ledger has died. The body of the 28-year-old co-star of the 2005 Ang Lee film Brokeback Mountain was discovered in his home in New York. Police are investigating if the actor had taken an overdose of prescription pills.
romantic dramathe type of film about a loving relationship that is exciting and has a strong effect on viewers' emotions
atonementdoing something that shows that you are sorry for something bad that you did
leading the packhere, most likely to get an award
hopefulsactors and/or films that may get an Oscar
gongshonours (here, Oscars) that are given to someone for their outstanding artistic work
nominatedput forward for the award
eclipsedoutshone, did better than
best supporting actressa supporting actor is not the most important actor in a film
shortlistedjudged the most suitable for the prize (from a longer list of people originally considered)
rolean actor's part in a film or play
categoryputting people or things into groups with the same features (e.g. here, all actresses put forward for an Oscar in the best actress category will compete against each other, not with those nominated in another category)
nomineesomeone who is nominated for an award
Alzheimer'sa disease that results in the gradual loss of memory, speech, movement, and the ability to think clearly (especially common among older people)
topped the listhad more nominations than others
bio-pica biographical film (i.e. showing someone's life story)
drawn praisebeen highly spoken of
portrayalrepresentation of someone's character in a film, play or book
tainted with sadnessa partly sad event
overdosetaking too many drugs
Aesop´s Fables
The Hart was once drinking from a pool and admiring the noble figure he made there. "Ah," said he, "where can you see such noble horns as these, with such antlers! I wish I had legs more worthy to bear such a noble crown; it is a pity they are so slim and slight."At that moment a Hunter approached and sent an arrow whistling after him. Away bounded the Hart, and soon, by the aid of his nimble legs, was nearly out of sight of the Hunter; but not noticing where he was going, he passed under some trees with branches growing low down in which his antlers were caught, so that the Hunter had time to come up. "Alas! alas!" cried the Hart:"We often despise what is most useful to us."
antlers: cornamenta
worthy: dignas
bear: llevar, portar
nimble: ágiles
despise: despreciar, menospreciar
you can find more short stories and fables HERE
jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2007
FCE Results
Here are the results, congratulations!
Total number of students in 4th High Advanced: 74
Students who got a passing mark: 64
Students who did not get a passing mark: 10
miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2007
martes, 4 de diciembre de 2007
jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2007
Second half-year project: group 1
Happy holidays,
Your teachers
Susan and Pat
miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2007
miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2007
martes, 20 de noviembre de 2007
lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2007
martes, 13 de noviembre de 2007
First half-year project: group 1
Your teachers Susan and Pat
martes, 6 de noviembre de 2007
Task-based approach and multiple intelligences
Me pareció una descripción simple y muy clara de dos conceptos con los que trabajamos a diario.
Espero que les resulten ineteresantes e inspiradores... en especial en esta época del año.
El Aprendizaje Basado en Tareas ( TBLT)
El Aprendizaje Basado en Tareas es uno de los métodos comunicativos que se siguen usando aunque no en forma general en la enseñanza de idomas extranjeros. Es una de las teorías más innovadoras en la enseñanza del Lenguas Extranjeras. Sostiene que el idioma extranjero se aprende mejor siguiendo un proceso diferente del que se conoce en el paradigma tradicional de instrucción: PPP: Presentación-Práctica-Producción.
En nuestro país el uso de TBLT en la enseñanza de Inglés no es general, sino que es utilizado por algunos institutos privados y en algunas universidades, grupos que se aventuran en este método comunicativo.
Condiciones Necesarias para el Aprendizaje de Idiomas
-Exposición a una rica variedad del lenguaje real y del mundo real al que están expuestos.
-Oportunidades para el uso real del idioma, para que experimenten y testen hipótesis, para que digan lo que quieren decir, en distintas circunstancias.
-Motivación para escuchar y leer, para procesar el significado del lenguaje y para usarlo en forma oral y escrita.
-Concentración en el lenguaje, oportunidades para reflexionar sobre el lenguaje y tratar de sistematizarlo.
-Exposición al IdiomaUso del Idioma
-MotivaciónAnálisis y Práctica del Idioma
-Concienciación de la Lengua
Algunos libros están basados en este nuevo enfoque, por ejemplo el Cutting Edge para el Inglés.
La conferencia de IATEFL ( Asociación Internacional de Profesores de Inglés como Idioma Extranjero) fue celebrada en Harrogate en Abril de 2006. Allí, Jane Willis, comenta sobre como adaptar los libros de texto al Aprendizaje Basado en Tareas:
'Deberíamos hacer tiempo para incluir tareas en nuestras clases de idioma; para adaptar nuestros textos a las tareas podemos seguir estos lineamientos:
-Partiendo del texto del libro, planear una tarea para dar a nuestros alumnos, teniendo en cuenta el lenguaje que van a necesitar y el producto al que queremos llegar.
-Explicamos claramente la tarea, dando el vocabulario necesario y cumpliendo las distintas etapas del proceso de las tareas.
-Buscamos feedback de nuestros alumnos, sobre el método utilizado.'
Otros linguistas en general consideran a TBLT como un enfoque más, y hacen la siguiente pregunta: ¿Nuevo paradigma o moda pasajera?
Atendiendo la diversidad de capacidades en nuestros alumnos en todos los niveles: Las Inteligencias Múltiples
Uno de los temas más interesantes para los profesores de Lenguas Extranjeras y Profesores en general es el de las Múltiples Inteligencias. A continuación se ofrece una completa descripción de cada una de ellas según la clasificación de su autor, el Dr. Gardner, y algunos modelos que incluyen ésta temática con el formato de tareas del Aprendizaje Basado en Tareas (TBLT), en el área lengua extranjera. Cabe destacar en esta introducción que esta teoría innovadora, aunque hace ya años que se ha estado implementando, se diferencia de la teoría clásica de IQ-Coeficiente Intelectual, lo que representa un nuevo paradigma de representación de la inteligencia humana. Otras corrientes prefieren hablar de distintos 'perfiles' de inteligencia en los individuos.
En nuestra tarea diaria de enseñanza de lenguas, nos encontramos con que nuestros alumnos responden de manera muy variada a nuestra instrucción, en muchos cursos incluso, el número de alumnos que no alcanza los niveles deseados es mucho mayor que en otros. No importa cuanta ejercitación planeamos diariamente para nuestras clases, los resultados no acompañan nuestros esfuerzos.
Conocemos nuestras capacidades y conocimientos, y que hay muchos inconvenientes que se interponen entre lo que queremos enseñar y lo que los alumnos aprenden, también observamos problemas de dispersión, desconcentración, falta de interés y resistencia a aprender lo que les enseñamos.
Entonces es cuando debemos pensar en un cambio de técnicas para ensayar y probar cual es el más adecuado para nuestros grupos.
Una de ellas es la descubierta por el Dr. Howard Gardner, Profesor de Educación y de Psicología, en la Universidad de Harvard, Massachusetts y autor del Proyecto Zero en la Escuela de Educación para Graduados en Harvard.
El Dr. Gardner es el autor de la Teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples (1983), que considera que el ser humano tiene distintas inteligencias que se desarrollan de diferente manera. Esta teoría no coincide con la teoría clásica de IQ o Coeficiente Intelectual, o se complementa con ella. Su autor prefiere que esta teoría sea considerada como una herramienta y no como un objetivo en sí mismo. También publicó varios libros de fama mundial, entre ellos: Inteligencias Múltiples, Desarrollo y Educación de la Mente y Tipos de Mente.
Definición de Inteligencia: ‘Una inteligencia es la habilidad de resolver problemas o de crear productos que son valorados en una o más culturas.’ H. Gardner
Distingue entre los siguientes tipos de habilidades:
Inteligencia Lingüística-------------palabras
Inteligencia Lógica-Matemática---números o lógica
Inteligencia Espacial----------------dibujos, fotos
Inteligencia Físico-Kinésica--------actividad física
Inteligencia Musical-----------------música
Inteligencia Interpersonal----------experiencia social
Inteligencia Intrapersonal----------reflexión
Inteligencia Natural-----------------experiencia con la naturaleza(Espiritual y Existencial, están en estudio.)
Click para leer los artículos completos con ejemplos y casos prácticos
viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2007
Click and join us!
Teacher´s comment:
This activity enhances students´motivation for writing tasks. Sharing personal information might be fascinating for some students but a nightmare for others. This individual and, at the same time, group task seeks to attract students into expressing themselves and telling others about their hobbies, friends, family or whatever they may think of.
For those who are shy, a screen will result less embarrassing. For those who are eager to tell their whole lives, they will have to think twice in order to organize the information into coherent paragraphs.
Finally, the "little lie" or false information they are asked to include is nothing but an excuse to calll them back to the blog after having posted their own profile and, of course, a reading comprehension activity.
I hope my students show interest in the activity and this idea becomes useful for all of us teachers too.
For further comments, ideas, suggestions, you may contact me at:
Thre task follows the writing activity in Matrix Intermediate. Unit 2.
lunes, 29 de octubre de 2007
Some opinions on "Frankenstein-Laugh at your Fears"
First, I really enjoyed the play, I laughed a lot and it was very amusing. It seems to me that the central objective was to entertain the children in order to they didn't get bored and to teach something to them.At first, I didn't like the idea of a "continuation" of the Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. I thought that it'd better to see the "real" story that preservs the original spirit of Shelley. But, in my opinion the continuation was a kind of an infantile version of the original that was done to "catch" some of the basic "teachings" that the writer wanted to put in her story and more that Shelley didn't mentioned like "laugh at your fears".The songs were excellent. My favourite was "The secret to life", I really like the rhythm!That was only my opinion
Publicado por Johanna Gueler and Florencia Herbstein
Well, I think that the play was excellent. I liked it very much (I love comedies!) and I enjoyed the huge difference between this story and the original one; this one is like a parody because it's more modern... with Igor falling in love of Miss Blotcher, and the coquette Elizabeth, the mistery of the word "laboratory" (the strange and strong sound), the apparition of Homero Simpson!! And the salesman of body parts.Also I liked all the songs. The best one for me was the last one: laugh at your fears, with the monster singing!
Publicado por Guillermo Mosse
The play was fantastic! I'd really enjoy it. The songs (laugh at your fears, body parts)and the characters (Igor, Dr.Frankenstein, Ema, Frankenstein -the monster-, Miss Blotcher, etc.)were awesome.
Publicado por Natalia Gluj.
You can also see what they have been working on by visiting our blog Frankenstein
domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2007
Very soon, on October 25th, THE STAGE COMPANY is visiting our school to put on "Frankenstein- laugh at your fears", a musical based on Mary Shelley´s classic.
Join us in our tasks and get to know one of the best-known characters in English literature!
martes, 4 de septiembre de 2007
We are reading Matilda
We invite you to share some of the activities we are carrying out.
Visit our blog: wearereadingmatilda Hope you all like it!
jueves, 16 de agosto de 2007
The Simpsons are everywhere so... why not in our classes?
1. Opening Sequence from The Simpsons.
Put these sentences in the correct order according to what you remember!
The family running to the sofa in front of the television
Homer leaving and driving home from work
Marge at the supermarket
Bart writing on the blackboard
Lisa playing the saxophone
Bart on his skateboard
2. Look at these pictures. What are the Simpsons doing?
Complete the sentences. Look at the example:
The Simpsons are watching TV.
Lisa ..................................
Marge ............................
Homer ........................
Lisa .....................................
Bart .........................................All the family ................................
The Simpsons .............................
Homer ....................................
Homer ........................
Homer .......................................
Homer ................................
Maggie ...................................
The family
Draw a family tree for the Simpsons. Include: Homer Simpson, Marge Bouvier, Bart Simpson, Lisa Simpson, Maggie Simpson, Abraham Simpson, Patty Bouvier, and Selma Bouvier.
Example: Bart is Homer´s son.
For each character, complete the information. Use these words:
Nuclear power plant
Homer works in a ......................................
The advice he gives his children is often ....................... and ..........................
Homer is ................. and ..........................
Her hair is exaggerated: very .................. and ........................
She always wears pearls, a ........................., and nice ............................
She worries about the family’s morality and the children’s ...........................
She is ............... reading a ..................... called Fretful Mother.
Lisa is the moral center of the ..................
She listens to ........................... and plays the ..........................
Now, in pairs, choose ONE main character and TWO additional characters and write 3 sentences about each. You can choose from the list:
a) ...............................
b) ..................................
c) ......................................
Main Characters
Simpson, Bart
Simpson, Homer
Simpson, Lisa
Simpson, Maggie
Simpson, Marge
Additional Characters
Bouvier, Patty
Bouvier, Selma
Burns, Charles
Flanders, Ned
Flanders, Rod
Flanders, Todd
Itchy the Mouse
Krusty the Clown
Scratchy the Cat
Simpson, Abraham
Skinner, Seymour
Smithers, Waylon
Szyslak, Moe
Van Houten, Milhou
Describe the picture. Start like this:
The Simpsons house has got ............... ................................................................., ..................................., ............................. and ......................................................... .
sábado, 11 de agosto de 2007
Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we're educating our children. He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence.
Sir Ken Morrison makes an entertaining (and profoundly moving) case for creating an education system that nurtures creativity, rather than undermining it. With ample anecdotes and witty asides, Robinson points out the many ways our schools fail to recognize -- much less cultivate -- the talents of many brilliant people. "We are educating people out of their creativity," Robinson says.
viernes, 20 de julio de 2007
sábado, 14 de julio de 2007
martes, 3 de julio de 2007
Exchanging experience
A wonderful chance to get in touch with teachers all over the world keen on tapping pros and cons of using blogs as a useful tool in the English class.
There goes an address there are thousands more!!!!!
lunes, 2 de julio de 2007
Shrek Karaoke Dance Party!
Watch the Shrek video, do the exercises and print them.
1) Listen and complete with the following words: before, try, bit, never, everybody, found, gonna, know, go, personal, swamp, dance, through, lost.
Hi ……………………………! and welcome to the Shrek in the ………………………………karaoke ……………………………………party!
I'm ……………………………… take things down a little …………………with one of my ……………………………………favorites.
Don’t …………………………………… changing, to ……………………………… and please me,
You've ………………………………… let me down …………………………………hhmmmmm.
I made it ………………………………the wilderness! You ……………………………… I made it through.
Didn't know how ………………………………I was until I ……………………………………you.
2) Put the sentences in the correct order
You other brothers can't deny,
with an itty bitty waist
Staying alive, staying alive
Who let the dogs out, who, who, who, who
and a round thing in your face you get
It's fun to stay at the Y M C A.
Ha, ha; ha
Yeah! I like big butts and I cannot lie
Do you really want to hurt me... Aw. Oh, oh, oh, oh
When a girl walks in
Do you really want to make me cry
ha, ha, ha, ha
It's fun to stay at the Y M C A
Feelings, who let the dogs out, who
who, who, yeah, who
3) Write the words in the correct form.
I ……………………………………… (isda) get up and …………………………… (cdnae) to the music
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom
…………………………………………………. (bveeodyry) now
Dance to the music
Oh, yeah
All we need is a ……………………………………. (mmreurd)
for ……………………… (eppole) who only need a beat yeahhhh
…………………………… (rbake) it down, Green girl
Thelonius my man
I’m gonna have ………………………………… (osme) bottoms
So that the dancers just won't …………………………… (dieh)
You ………………………………… (akte) it Shrek
You …………………………………… (htimg) like to hear my organ
I said a ……………………………… (edir), Sally ride
I can't see me loving …………………………………… (bnooyd) but you for all my …………………………… (file)
Dance to the music ,dance to the music
Shrek you ain’t dancin ………………………………………… (tey)
Dance to the music
Oh yeah!
Dance to the music
…………………………………… (nwo) that’s how I like it
Dance to the music
Dance to the music
Dance to the music
Dance to the music
Pinocchio you wanna ……………………………………… (hcwat) that nose man
ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
Susan and Pat
domingo, 1 de julio de 2007
Creating a Writing Course Utilizing Class and Student Blogs
Weblogs, or blogs for short, were created as a tool for people to create online journals without the need of any programming experience or knowledge. Although not originally intended for use in EFL classes, blogs have immense potential as an extremely valuable tool for the teaching of second language writing. By utilizing free blogging services on the Internet, teachers are capable of creating and storing online supplemental materials for students, post class notes for student review, and give general feedback to the class as a whole and individually. Additionally, students are able to submit assignments online. Taught in a computer room with Internet access, a writing class utilizing blogs that allows students to actually write in class on a computer can be created. The objectives of this paper are 1) to show other teachers how to set up a course using blogs at ‘Blogger' (a free blogging service) and 2) to discuss the advantages of blogs for both teachers and students. The ideas presented are based on a graduate level science writing course taught in the spring of 2003.
martes, 19 de junio de 2007
Education Quotes by famous people
Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands.
Annie Sullivan:
Children require guidance and sympathy far more than instruction.
All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.
Ralph Waldo Emerson:
Life is a succession of lessons, which must be lived to be understood.
Richard Bach:
Learning is finding out what we already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers and teachers.
miércoles, 13 de junio de 2007
Tapping oracy
I am sending you some activities to lighten up the chores of everyday teaching.
Pull your socks up and add some pep to them!!!!!!
" A teacher who is attempting to teach, without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn, is hammering on a cold iron." - Horace Mann (1796-1859)
sábado, 2 de junio de 2007
Student-centered classes - A study at Yale University
A study at Yale University with 3rd through 8th graders, has shown again that instruction involving analytical, creative and practical methods of instruction combined, beats the traditional rote, memory-based teaching technique. Students were divided into two groups, one given a traditional memory based approach and one with the three above mentioned techniques blended. In performance-based and memory based multiple choice tests, the blended method was superior. Let's hear it again for student-centered classrooms.
~~ The Journal of Educational Psychology (Sept. 1999) includes a great study by Reeve and Bolt (Sept 1999) on student-centered classrooms and the teaching styles they exhibit.
The teachers who use these teaching methods effectively are what the researchers call "Autonomy-supportive" teachers as opposed to "relatively controlling" teachers.
The study documented exactly what these autonomy-supportive teachers do in their classrooms.
**listened more,
**held the instructional materials less,
**resisted giving solutions,
**supported the student's intrinsic motivation,
**verbalize fewer directives,
**ask more questions about what the students wanted to do,
**respond more to student-generated questions,
**volunteer more perspective-taking statements.
In addition, this study substantiated previous studies' claims on the ADVANTAGES OF STUDENT-CENTERED INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS.
Research shows that students in these types of classes are:
** more likely to stay in school,
** more likely to show greater perceived academic competence,
** show enhanced creativity,
** show a preference for optimal challenge,
** show greater conceptual understanding,
**show more positive emotion,
**have higher academic intrinsic motivation,
** better academic performance,
** higher academic achievement.
viernes, 1 de junio de 2007
Mindmapping by Tony Buzan
Key Words
Visual Memory - Print the key words, use color, symbols, icons, 3D-effects, arrows and outlining groups of words
Outstandingness - every Mind Map needs a unique center
Conscious involvement
Because of the large amount of association involved, they can be very creative, tending to generate new ideas and associations that have not been thought of before. Every item in a map is in effect, a center of another map.
The creative potential of a mind map is useful in brainstorming sessions. You only need to start with the basic problem as the center, and generate associations and ideas from it in order to arrive at a large number of different possible approaches. By presenting your thoughts and perceptions in a spatial manner and by using color and pictures, a better overview is gained and new connections can be made visible.
Watch a video about Mindmapping with Tony Buzan