martes, 22 de julio de 2008

Young entrepreneurs...

...blossom at ORT.

We'd like to share some of our experiences with this new joint project on entrepreneurship together with the CEO.
Students got highly involved in the activities, dicussions and role-plays turned almost real!

For further details, visit:

sábado, 21 de junio de 2008

Hot Shot Business – Aprender a Emprender

Nombre de Proyecto:
Hot Shot Business – Aprender a Emprender” de Inglés / CEO.

Publico Objetivo:
Alumnos pertenecientes a 4to año del nivel Avanzado Superior de Inglés de todas las orientaciones.

Áreas Intervinientes:
o Departamento de Inglés.
o Centro de Emprendedores ORT - CEO.

o Desarrollar cultura emprendedora.
o Incorporar nuevo vocabulario de inglés relacionado con Negocios.
o Utilizar el idioma como herramienta para incorporar contenidos de Entrepreneurship.
o Alentar el trabajo en equipo y la resolución colaborativas de situaciones problemáticas.
o Potenciar la ejercitación en lecto/audio comprensión a partir de una experiencia interactiva multimedia.

o Pensamiento creativo. Brainstorming.
o Proceso de toma de decisiones.
o Lectura y análisis de información.
o Comprensión de textos a partir de una experiencia interactiva. Listening and Reading.


Duración del proyecto:
3 Semanas, durante el primer semestre del año.

El proyecto consiste en incorporar la educación en entrepreneurship, a la vez que se potencia la formación en idioma inglés a partir de una experiencia innovadora en términos pedagógicos. En el contexto áulico de clases de inglés, se trabajarán temáticas relacionadas con el entrepreneurship utilizando material de clase provisto por la Kauffman Foundation y la Disney Corporation ( Luego, a través de un juego de simulación, los alumnos se pondrán en el rol de emprendedores y tomarán conciencia de las capacidades, nivel de confianza y habilidades que requieren para convertirse en un entrepreneur.
El proyecto consiste en 3 etapas:
1. Trabajo en temáticas relacionadas al entrepreneurship, e introducción al uso del simulador online durante las clases de inglés.
2. Trabajo de simulación, tanto en el contexto áulico como en sus hogares, dónde atravesarán la experiencia de emprender propiamente dicha, guiados por los docentes de inglés. En esta instancia, se publicarán los avances periódicamente en un blog perteneciente al Campus Virtual y en otros medios institucionales.
3. Charla con un emprendedor real, en el contexto de los paneles “Cara a cara con emprendedores” organizado por el CEO, con la posibilidad de realizarlo en conjunto con la fundación Endeavor.

Docentes a cargo del proyecto:
o Patricia Alegre.
o Jimena Castellión.

Coordinación del proyecto:
o Patricia Brezca.
o Diego Urfeig.

Estructura tentativa:
o 2 Clases Teóricas.
o 2 Clases de Simulación.
o 1 Clase de puesta en común.
o Cierre – Charla con emprendedor.

domingo, 11 de mayo de 2008

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2008

Aprendiendo con una wiki en Inglés

Se llama "Introduction to technology" y promete ser una herramienta ideal para la escritura “colaborativa” sobre temas relacionados con la tecnología en Inglés. Una wiki es muy similar a un blog, en la que los alumnos pueden producir y editar el contenido, pero que muestra más claramente la potencia de la agregación y el trabajo colaborativo.

Estas son algunas imágenes de la clase del viernes pasado, en las que Jimena Castellión –profesora de Inglés y creadora de esta wiki- estuvo trabajando con sus alumnos de 4º Electrónica y Producción Musical.

Seguir leyendo en el blog del Campus Virtual ORT...

viernes, 25 de abril de 2008

New project

Hi, I want to share with all my colleagues this new project on Technology supported on a wiki. In case you have never heard about it or browsed one, here goes a short definition I gave my students:

"A wiki is a collection of web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content, using a simplified language. Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites. For example, the collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia is one of the best known wikis.To learn more about wikis click here. "

Since it is on-line, you will be able to access this site from home or just anywhere via Internet. This is the Internet site for the project:

Introduction to Technology is aimed at advanced or high advanced students since, this time, English is considered just a tool to approach some technology-related concepts and situations.

The formats presented are very innovative and varied: podcasts, youtube videos, discussion forums and more but through very user-friendly activities, therefore requiring minimum knowledge on these applications.

Reading and Listening comprehension are the star skills developed throughout the lesson plans, as well as speaking, whenever a face-to-face debate is suggested. An enhanced comprehension of technology-related vocabulary will definitevely result from the activities.

I hope you browse and probably make use of some or all the pages on these site. For comments or suggestions, please contact me at

Bye for now, Jimena

viernes, 28 de marzo de 2008

New blogs for 4º year

We'd like to invite you to share our new blogs where you'll be able to see our productions. Commentaries are welcome!

Blockbuster 2
Blockbuster 3

Hope you like it!
Patricia Trost

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2008

New blogs!

My students and I invite you to visit our brand new blogs. There we post useful information and material, on-line tests and activities and our own productions.

We´ll be expecting your visit, leave us a voice message or comment on the blog or just make profit out of its content.

Class support "4° Gestión" Advanced Level

Class support "4° Química Informática" Advanced Level

Class support "4° Electrónica Producción Musical" High Advanced Level

Hope you enjoy them, Jimena Castellión

miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2008

Jennifer Aniston


Oscar hopefuls
Listen to the story
The British romantic drama Atonement is leading the pack of British hopefuls for this year's Oscars. The film is up for seven gongs including best picture. However, the stars of the movie Keira Knightley from Pirates of the Caribbean and James McEvoy from The Last King of Scotland, haven't been nominated for their acting.
The thirteen-year old Irish actress Saoirse Ronan has eclipsed her Atonement co-stars by picking up a nomination for the best supporting actress.
A British-born Irish actor, Daniel Day-Lewis, has been shortlisted as best actor for his role in the film There Will Blood. In the best actress category the British star Julie Christie is a nominee for playing an Alzheimer's sufferer in Away From Her.
Overall, the American movie No Country For Old Men has topped the list of Oscar nominations with a total of eight.
The Australian actress Cate Blanchett could pick up both the best actress and best supporting actress awards for her parts as Queen Elizabeth the First of England and in the bio-pic of the rock legend Bob Dylan called I'm Not There. Cate, who's a woman, has drawn praise for her portrayal of Dylan, who is, of course, a man.
But the announcement of this year's Oscar nominations has been tainted with sadness at the news that the actor Heath Ledger has died. The body of the 28-year-old co-star of the 2005 Ang Lee film Brokeback Mountain was discovered in his home in New York. Police are investigating if the actor had taken an overdose of prescription pills.

romantic dramathe type of film about a loving relationship that is exciting and has a strong effect on viewers' emotions
atonementdoing something that shows that you are sorry for something bad that you did
leading the packhere, most likely to get an award
hopefulsactors and/or films that may get an Oscar
gongshonours (here, Oscars) that are given to someone for their outstanding artistic work
nominatedput forward for the award
eclipsedoutshone, did better than
best supporting actressa supporting actor is not the most important actor in a film
shortlistedjudged the most suitable for the prize (from a longer list of people originally considered)
rolean actor's part in a film or play
categoryputting people or things into groups with the same features (e.g. here, all actresses put forward for an Oscar in the best actress category will compete against each other, not with those nominated in another category)
nomineesomeone who is nominated for an award
Alzheimer'sa disease that results in the gradual loss of memory, speech, movement, and the ability to think clearly (especially common among older people)
topped the listhad more nominations than others
bio-pica biographical film (i.e. showing someone's life story)
drawn praisebeen highly spoken of
portrayalrepresentation of someone's character in a film, play or book
tainted with sadnessa partly sad event
overdosetaking too many drugs

Aesop´s Fables

The Hart and the Hunter
The Hart was once drinking from a pool and admiring the noble figure he made there. "Ah," said he, "where can you see such noble horns as these, with such antlers! I wish I had legs more worthy to bear such a noble crown; it is a pity they are so slim and slight."At that moment a Hunter approached and sent an arrow whistling after him. Away bounded the Hart, and soon, by the aid of his nimble legs, was nearly out of sight of the Hunter; but not noticing where he was going, he passed under some trees with branches growing low down in which his antlers were caught, so that the Hunter had time to come up. "Alas! alas!" cried the Hart:"We often despise what is most useful to us."

antlers: cornamenta
worthy: dignas
bear: llevar, portar
nimble: ágiles
despise: despreciar, menospreciar

you can find more short stories and fables HERE